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National Hispanic Heritage Month

The month of September is Hispanic Heritage Month in the US.

So… What is does Hispanic mean?

It depends who you ask.

If you ask people from Hispanic origin, they will agree that it is certainly not a racial identification. And that it is indeed a name used mostly inside the US. There are no Hispanics in Latin America!

US Hispanics represent 20 Spanish-speaking nationalities; they are Colombian, Venezuelan, Mexican, Cuban, Argentinean and Hispanic Americans, and so on...

There are Catholic, Protestants, Jewish, Arab, Asian, Indian, Black and White Hispanics as well as Brown.

For some it is a shared culture, a community of interests, like language, food, or music; although you will find many nuances and regional varieties across the country and among generations. You will also find that many Hispanic Americans use English as their first language and they are comfortable in both the Hispanic and the North American Culture. But still they self-identify themselves as Hispanics.

It is above all about a sense of identity. A strong sense of identity. 


U.S. Hispanics Flock to Web

Here, there and everywhere... It is known that the new generation of U.S. Hispanics is an early adopter of technology. And as the cultural nuances that unite and separate US-Hispanics not only among themselves but from the general market seem more elusive than ever, this is an article worth reading.


July 2, 2009

Expect significant growth in this sector, eMarketer says

NEW YORK. The U.S. Hispanic Internet population is young, vibrant and growing -- in numbers, broadband connections and time spent online.

In 2009, there are nearly 23 million Hispanics online, about 51 percent of the U.S. Hispanic population, according toeMarketerestimates. Hispanics make up about 12.3 percent of the U.S. Internet population in 2009, and will increase to 13.9 percent in 2013.

Like its offline counterpart, this group of Internet users is young -- 63 percent are under age 35 -- and mobile. Some 81 percent of Hispanics own a mobile phone, according to the Pew Internet & American Life Project, and for 25 percent of these adults, their mobile device is their primary phone. Hispanics use more phone features, including Internet access, at higher rates than other mobile subscribers.

Marketers and online publishers are creating campaigns and Web sites in English and Spanish to reach an audience that switches between languages and cultures. For example, some Hispanics who consider themselves Spanish-dominant say they prefer to read Web pages in English, while online publishers have noticed some English-dominant Hispanics gravitate toward online ads in Spanish. There is no simple, single way to reach this diverse population, except to respect their broad cultural values.

Source: ADWEEK



US Hispanics are a marketer's dream consumer

Bill Gato, VP and cofounder, HDN,  in an interview with PRWeek:

In many key respects, US Hispanics are a marketer's dream consumer, particularly in terms of their fast growth and avid engagement levels. 

US Hispanics consume 30% more hours of media per week than the general market. Research also shows that US Hispanics are adopting new media and new technologies at a faster rate than the mainstream. A 2009 research study from Scarborough Research shows that Hispanics download digital content at higher-than-average rates, including podcasts, video games, audio clips, movies, TV programs, and other video. Hispanics are early adopters and trendsetters in their use of digital technology, which reflects cultural values of interdependence and socializing. 

Despite strong engagement with new media, it's also important to note that traditional media consumption has not suffered, and that Hispanic audiences often simultaneously consume some form of new media with traditional media. 

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Obama to speak to US Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

President Obama will open the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce 19th Annual Legislative Conference next Tuesday with a keynote address.

The audience will consist of Hispanic entrepreneurs, small business owners, and other community leaders. 

President Obama will address the conference on Tuesday March 10, 2009 at 8:30 AM in the Grand Ballroom of the Marriott at Metro Center in the nation's capitol.

The Associated Press 03/06/09


Hispanic Buying power will grow despite the dreary outlook of the economy

According to a new study by market research publisher Packaged Facts, the 46 million Hispanics living in the United States wield increasing buying power totaling more than $980 billion in 2008.  It is projected to reach $1.3 billion in 2013.

Tatjana Meerman, publisher of New York-based Packaged Facts, said that "Latinos will change the profile of American society over the next four decades."  "The Hispanic population will grow much quicker than other population segments, and Hispanic consumers will represent an increasing percentage of the American consumer base."

The study shows revealing information, such as the role of Gen-Y Latinos (ages 18-29) and Gen-X Latinos (ages 30-44). They are particularly influential, because they control more than 60 percent of all Hispanic buying power. These young Hispanic adults generate significant consumer spending both for themselves and their families. They have a huge impact  in the American economy, especially in entertainment, apparel and children's items.


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