Internet usage outpaces television.
2008 Terra comScore Hispanic Digital Study
In general, online Hispanics, independent of their language preferences and acculturation levels, are heavily engaged in technology with 66% reporting that they keep up with the latest developments and influence family members and friends in their purchase decisions for new technology. Internet usage now outpaces television with 56% reporting to spend at least one hour per day online vs. 50% that reported spending one hour per day watching television. 72% have computers and televisions in the same room and 75% of these multi-task use the Internet and television together always or very frequently. Of the multi-taskers, 44% send e-mail or instant messages about the show they are watching and 40% report researching for products advertised on television, while 35% go to the website about the show being watched.
94% of online Hispanics own a cell phone and use it as their primary line. 93% use the voice mail feature and 86% report sending text messages. 6 in 10 online Hispanics own four or more electronic devices with 68% of these owning a Palm Pilot or Blackberry and 12% owning a portable PC. commissioned comScore to conduct data mining and segmentations with respect to the engagement, language preference, and cultural identity of the US online Latino population.